You can apply a new Selection within the Process Explorer!

Choose any edge or nodge you wish to filter for, and right-click on it.

The following options are available:

Nodge (Activities)

Edges (Transitions)


Creates a selection including all cases, that pass the selected activity.



Creates a selection excluding this activity (all other cases that do not pass this activity will be selected).



Selects all cases who start with this activity.



Selects all cases who end with this activity.



You can group activities to be displayed as a single activity. This will however not create a Selection as the options above.

Let's assume, we want to group the activities "Print and Send Purchase Order (Paper)", "Send Purchase Order (eOrder)", "Send Purchase Order (eMail)" and "Send Purchase Order Update".

Click on any of these activities, and select "Group Activities". The following window will open:


Select all activities, and (optionally) name your group. The name will be displayed in the Selection Bar and in the Process Explorer.

Search Field

Use the Search Field to search for any activity.


Confirm your selection with .


The new group will now combine all incoming cases.



Recognize a group

You can recognize a group by the small icon next to the group name.


To edit/ungroup the created group, right-click on the group and select "Edit Group" to add/remove activities from this group, or "Ungroup" to delete this group.

With "Expand Group" you will temporarily dissolve the group. All included activities will show up in the Process Map again, with a small icon attached. Right-click on any of these activities and choose "Collapse Group" to resolve the group.


Group selections

You can apply all options above not only to activities, but even to grouped activities. With the group that we created in this example, we could select all cases, that end with "Send Purchase Order" (and did not end with a successful delivery).





 Creates a Selection with all cases that pass this edge. All other cases will be removed from your Selection.



 Creates a Selection with all cases that do not pass this edge. All cases that pass this connection will be removed from your Selection.



To activate your new selection, you have to activate it in the Selection Bar.

The following section will appear next to your active selections:

You can either activate your new Seleciton, or reset the Selection.


To learn more about Selections, please refer to the Selections chapter.

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