Celonis Process Mining brings 100 % transparency to all your processes. Learn how you can analyze your whole process within seconds and generate actionable insights from the automatically generated Celonis analyses.











0) Example Eventlog

If you do not have your own eventlog yet, you can use the following example to follow the usecase: Eventlog_P2P_Process.xlsx





1) Upload an eventlog


Click the image to see the Video


  • Drag and drop the eventlog-file to the upload section that is available on empty projects

  • Confirm the Preview

  • Check if all data-types are correctly recognized and continue

  • Flag the CaseID- , Activity- and Eventtime-Column in the eventlog.

  • Finish and create the default-analysis

Process columns

Case ID: Unique identifier which allows Celonis to separate the single cases (e.g. order-number)

Activity: The action that was performed (e.g. Payment)

Eventtime: The timestamp to which the single action on the case has been performed.





2) Process Overview




  • The first view generated in the default analysis is the Process Overview

  • First the Overview shows you how the cases, events and overall throughput time in your process have developed over time

  • You can choose between the different KPIs by clicking on the tiles at the top

Note that in our Purchase to Pay example the distribution of cases over time is rather constant over time with only one exception, a peak in October.

This summary over time immediately highlights when highs or lows in the order volume might have caused problems, and which timeframe you can concentrate on first with your analysis.




  • Second the Process Overview shows us how the Happy Path in our process looks like

  • You see directly that orders which follow the Happy Path save one day on average, but it are only 39 % of all cases that are included here.

  • Additionally the most frequent activities outside are listed.


In our example the most frequent activity not included in the Happy Path are Price Changes. WIth 11 % of all orders, this is a undesirable high amount of unnecessary work.

Happy Path

The Happy Path is the most frequent path through your process from the most frequent Starting-Activity to the most frequent Ending-Activity



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