Learn how the PI Companion can improve your daily business and decisions in all parts of a process.




Choose the right vendor with the help of the PI Companion

In the daily business of any purchasing organization you are faced with the problem to choose from whom you will order your next purchase. The PI Companion can help to facilitate the transition to a fact-based-purchasing decision.






Process Details right next to all SAP Transactions

During the creation of a new purchase order in the SAP Transaction ME21N the PI Companion brings full transparency to the Purchasing Process and how your Organization performed in the past.

Common process deviations are immediatelly obvious and all users awareness to the major problems in the daily business is sharpened. In our example it is immediately obvious that the Purchasing Organization has a major problem with too many Price Changes.

The smart data-exchange between the SAP NWBC and the PI Companion filter down the Analysis to exactly the Vendor you have put in the transaction. It gets obvious that the usually preferred vendor had 3254 Price changesthe past year. A clear indicator the purchase should be done with an alternative vendor. Within seconds you could adjust the chosen vendor to avoid unnecessary Price Changes and improve your overall performance.