Download the Apache Tomcat Windows 64-bit Zip Distribution. (Filename: 64-bit Windows zip). Click here for the Direct Download (from

Create a Celonis folder on your hard disk and extract the distribution into it

Open the command line as administrator and install the Apache Tomcat application server by navigating to the Tomcat bin folder and type in:

service install cpm

Open the service configuration by running tomcat7w.exe which has been created in the bin folder of the application server installation.

On tab General, provide a meaningful name to the service like Celonis Application Server.


On tab Java, adjust the memory settings (please note that they should depend on your available RAM). Add the following settings to Java Options.

System with RAM < 12 GB:

-XX:MaxPermSize=512m  – not necessary with Java 8

Set the initial memory pool to 1024 MB

Set the maximum memory pool to 3072 MB

System with RAM >= 12 GB:

-XX:MaxPermSize=1024m – not necessary with Java 8

Set the initial memory pool to 1024 MB

Set the maximum memory pool to 6144 MB


Start the application server by pressing the Start button in tab General. Make sure that the server is running by navigating to the URL http://localhost:8080/ in a web browser.


The next step is the Installation of SAP Process Mining by Celonis.